Ulrich Medical achieves extraordinary growth in Europe
The medical technology company with headquarters in Germany recorded in Europe above-average sales growth of 18% year-on-year in the first half of 2024. This business growth in the area of contrast media injectors for CT and MRI was achieved in France in particular, where sales increased by 90% in the first half of the year.
By June of this year alone, Ulrich Medical France had increased its market share for contrast media injectors for CT and MRI by six percentage points. A further two to three percentage points increase in market share is expected in France by the end of the year. This will bring Ulrich medical's total market share in Europe to 25 percent.
The reason for the success in France is the recently passed law LFSS 2024 (Loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale), which led to the approval of multi-patient systems for the administration of contrast media in imaging. “Our syringe-free injectors meet the requirements of the French market exactly, as they are approved for use for multiple patients,” says Mohamed Taib, Managing Director of Ulrich Medical France, drawing an extremely positive conclusion from the first half of the year.
The contrast media injectors from Ulrich Medical are fitted with a pump tubing approved for 24 hours or an Easy-Click-Cassette. This means that only the patient tubing needs to be changed for each patient. The flexible contrast media management has also been enthusiastically received by customers. The injectors each have three media slots, two of which are for contrast media containers of up to 1 liter and one for saline solution of up to 2 liters. Thanks to these features, the workflow enables more efficient and cost-effective contrast media management.
The contrast media injectors “Made in Germany” are successfully distributed in over 50 countries. Ulrich Medical supports the further expansion of its market share through cooperation with global partners such as GE Healthcare and Bracco Imaging.
Sobre ulrich medical
ulrich GmbH & Co. KG —o, de forma abreviada, ulrich medical— desarrolla, produce y comercializa productos para la cirugía de columna vertebral e inyectores de medios de contraste. Esta empresa familiar fundada en 1912 cuenta con más de 600 empleados en total en su sede principal de Ulm y sus tres filiales en Francia, España y EE. UU. Aunque sus productos se utilizan en todo el mundo, esta empresa de tecnología médica apuesta por la calidad «Made in Germany» y es una de las pocas del sector que desarrolla y fabrica sus productos de forma consecuente en Alemania. El F.A.Z. Institut distinguió a ulrich medical en 2024, por sexta vez consecutiva, como una de las empresas líderes en innovación de Alemania.