28. - 30. May 2025
German Radiology Congress
We are delighted to invite you to the 106th German Radiology Congress 2025, Congress for Medical Radiology and Image-guided Therapy!
The motto of the 106th German Radiology Congress is “Shaping W.I.R. - Knowledge. Innovation. Radiology.”. We all shape radiology every day and on many levels - in exchange with our patients, colleagues from other disciplines, with specialist societies and associations, with health policy stakeholders and with partners from industry.

Industry workshop
Thursday 29.5.: 14:15-15:00
Room Loge 2.2
Title: Dorina Petersen gives tips for optimized imaging in cardio-MRI and -CT
28. - 30. May 2025
Wiesbaden, Germany
RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC)
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 1
65185 Wiesbaden, Germany
Event language