ulrich medical Knowledge

Clinical study: Contrast BoosterTM

Influence of device‑assisted suction against resistance (Mueller maneuver) on image quality in CTPA for suspected lung embolism

Niklas von Münchhausen, Sonja Janssen, Daniel Overhoff, Johann S. Rink, Bram Geurts, Andreas Gutzeit, Mathias Prokop, Stefan O. Schoenberg, Matthias F. Froelich. © 2023 European Radiology

View from the control room into the examination room of a patient undergoing a pulmonary embolism CT with the Contrast Booster in the mouth.
View from the control room into the examination room of a patient undergoing a pulmonary embolism CT with the Contrast Booster in the mouth.

Aim of the prospective single-center study was to investigate the effect of a device-assisted suction against resistance Mueller maneuver on transient interruption of contrast (TIC) in the aorta and pulmonary trunk on computed tomography pulmonary angiogram (CTPA).

The results of the study and a summary can be downloaded via the tile below. 

The results show, that performing the Mueller maneuver with the prototype of the Contrast Booster from ulrich medical can increase contrast attenuation in CTPA and effectively prevent the TIC phenomenon, [...]. Moreover, implementation of a such device in pulmonary embolism (PE) diagnostics with CTPA may enhance diagnostic accuracy and lower the risk of missed PE.

Conclusion of the authors (excerpt)

Download the study summary now!

Clinical Study
Contrast Booster
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